Feeding Walworth County

Give to Feeding Walworth County and partner with us to make our food distributions a success (self serving, right?)
Call and ask specifically what they need right now... needs change all of the time, and most offices will have a list handy!
Ask about volunteer opportunities! Each pantry is unique, but may need help stocking shelves, cleaning, picking up donations, sorting donations, working with clientele. If you're willing to help, you'll likely not be turned down.
Consider cash. Often a pantry can use wholesales and exchanges, stretching dollars far more than you can at the grocery store.
Don't forget all seasons. We often think of charities around Thanksgiving & Christmas. However, school breaks throughout the year can be the most stressful on families... an amazing percentage of school aged kids in Walworth County. During school breaks, that's 5 to 10 more meals per child that the family needs to work into their budget.
Tips for Shopping for a Food Pantry Donation:​
Cans & boxes are best whenever possible. Bags & glass jars can break.
Think smaller packages. If you can get two 12-ounce jars of peanut butter for the same price as one 30-ounce jar, we'd rather have the two. If you can get four 1-pound bags of rice for the same price as one 5-pound bag, we'd rather have the four. Although you may be giving less in weight, pantries would rather get a little to everyone who needs it, rather than a lot to some, and none to others.
Don't worry about variety... if you'd like to give a dozen or more of one staple item, that's awesome. Again... having something for everyone who needs it is great.
Have expired items? It's iffy - please call your pantry before donating. Some choose to toss it immediately. Others will put it on the shelf if it's past the Sell By date, but still in the industry accepted food safety date. Even others may put it in a "expired" bin, and let clients choose if they'd like to receive it or not. Bottom line - please call ahead... if they're just going to pitch it, you'd save time by throwing it out yourself.
Items that are always needed:​
Boxed cereal. Low sugar is great
Full canned meals, like spaghetti-os or beef stew
Canned fruit... cans are better than the single-serve cups (they break easily & leak)
Plain noodles or pasta - in 1-pound or smaller packages.
Plain rice - again, in 1-pound or smaller packages.
Canned meat - not just tuna.
Instant oatmeal packets. We're able to take a box of 10 packs and give 5 families a couple, or a larger family the whole box.
Pop tarts... same story as the oatmeal.
Paper products... toilet paper is a universal need.
Feminine products. Unscented pads are appreciated.
Diapers - not newborn size.
And, of course, canned soup, canned vegetables, mac and cheese, granola bars... really they'll use anything!
We invite you to join the fight against hunger in our area and to get involved with Feeding Walworth County in any way possible.
For more information,
please call (262) 745-1939 or email info@feedingwalworthcounty.com
Food and cash cotributions are accepted year round, and right now we are encouraging direct contributions to individual pantries.
The time to join the fight is now!! Please help our cause.